Totally Derma - Collagen Supplement

Our Totally Derma collagen supplement will be available to purchase in the clinic for £315 for 3 months.

3 months is the minimum recommended duration of treatment to start seeing results.

    • Totally Derma is pre-digested, meaning that there is no digestive enzyme required to break down the amino acids as it is delivered via the blood vessels to the entire body.

    • A scientifically proven method of increasing collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the body and skin.

    • It is specifically formulated to reduce inflammation to support and improve skin, gut and menopausal health.

    • Totally Derma offers a stand-alone or value-added compliment to any rejuvenation programme (for example, skin topicals, injectables as well as surgery recovery) and will enhance in-clinic results.

    • It contains therapeutic doses of 10,000mg of arthred collagen amino acid peptides, synovoderma hyaluronic acid and high levels of 5 key antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and 2 minerals for optimum collagen production, maintenance and repair.

    • After 3 months of taking Totally Derma in a specific dosage, results should start to be seen.

    • Collagen is a protein that provides strength and elasticity to the skin as well as improves joint and cardiovascular health.

    • When collagen is found in food, it needs to be broken down by the digestive system. However, this process is often incomplete, resulting in very long peptide chains and are not well absorbed and remain undigested.